Saturday, March 10, 2007


I understand why it is such a big deal when Wilco releases a new album, but why doesn't Son Volt release to at least a little bit of fanfare? Son Volt is good. Jay Farrar is pretty cool. He may not be as cool as Tweedy, but who is?

Son Volt's new album, The Search, released 4 days ago (March 6th), and I have still yet to read anything about it anywhere.

As usual, the album is good; it's a slice of that good old americana that we love so much at Born by the River.

Son Volt- Underground Dream

Guns or education? The answer's larger than the Hollywood sign

Son Volt- Methamphetamine

That's all for today.


Photo By Ipso Photo


Christy said...

I completely agree with you. I love Son Volt. I mentioned people should pick up the album as well. It's great music!

James Jr. said...

Jay Farrar not as cool as Tweedy? Farrar is truly heartfelt, soulful writing. He is a drug addicted, manic-depressant spiraling out of control with a notebook and pen to record all of his pain and agony for our enjoyment. Tweedy needs to hit the bottle and find his wife in bed with another man before we'll see his best stuff!